It’s summer, and work is not manic, so I thought it would be interesting to share the books I’ve read, I’m reading, and plan to read this summer and why.
The first thing to say is that I disliked reading at school, but as I got older I have grown to appreciate that reading is a great way to learn and explore a range of topics.
I’ve just finished the book “Working Identity” by Herminia Ibarra. The book was recommended to me by Tom Anderson. Thanks, Tom! It was an interesting read and a book that I’ll recommend to any of my clients who are exploring the question “What's next for my career?”.
I’m halfway through “How They Broke Britan”, by James O'Brien. It’s a book I’ve been meaning to read for a while but hadn’t got around to it until my son, Fraser (who is waiting to head to university to read politics) told me it was a must-read – so as a dad, I do as I’m told! The book provides an interesting lens to view the current social challenges we are facing in the UK.
The final book, “Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0” by Jim Collins and Bill Lazier, has been recently recommended to me by Bobby at McConnell Group. Bobby is a prolific reader and often shares some great recommendations with me. I’ve read quite a few of Jim Collins’ books such as "Good to Great". I enjoy the simple and thought-provoking way he presents his heavily researched work and look forward to reading this one.
I’d be happy to hear what you are reading and what you’d recommend.